RESTORE – Rivers:
Engaging, Supporting and Transferring knOwledge for Restoration in Europe
River ecosystems throughout Europe have been severely impacted by
engineering projects for flood protection, navigation, water supply and
hydroelectricity. It is estimated that less than 20% of Europe’s rivers
and floodplains are in their natural state and many species have been
lost. The role of river restoration, often promoting ‘soft’ engineering
solutions, as a tool to reserve some of the problems associated with
damage to these ecosystems has grown considerably in recent decades,
particularly at the local level. The aim of river restoration is to
re-establish self-sustaining environments and to restore complete
ecosystems. Applying sustainable river restoration serves both the
Habitats Directive and the Water Framework Directive at several levels.
River restoration at the local level aims to create and improve habitat
conditions for key species; at regional level supports the Natura 2000
network; and across Europe can improve the entire ecological status of
river basins. River restoration can also assist with adaptation to
climate change by strengthening ecological networks and providing
climate space. River restoration activities also play a crucial role in
developing best practice approaches for flood risk management,
especially through flood storage, serving the interests of the EU Floods
Risks Directive. The overall river restoration effort is hindered,
however, not by a lack of expertise at the local level but by a lack of
opportunities for sharing best practice and knowledge. Addressing this
gap in knowledge transfer is the main aim of the ‘RESTORE’ project.
Objectives – The project will develop a network linking policymakers,
river basin planners, practitioners and experts across Europe to share
information and good practice on river restoration activities. The main
objectives are:
To support river restoration practices across Europe. A database of
river restoration projects will be created, providing understanding of
policy opportunities and constraints, the effectiveness of restoration
methods, design issues and project costs/benefits;
- To build up existing river restoration network capacity. Several river
restoration networks are already established. The project will provide a
European forum to support existing and emerging networks and will help
identify the needs of networks and the barriers to effective operation
and co-operation; and
- To promote effective river restoration knowledge transfer. The project
will support the work of existing networks in communicating best
practice. Tools to promote knowledge transfer will also be developed and
used to communicate key messages to target audiences.
Expected results – The production of communication plans at regional and
European level; Preparatory reviews of current policy, planning and
project activity; and The development of a river restoration handbook to
be published in print and online form.
LIFE09 INF/UK/000032 – Commission européenne