Magazine H2o | Water Knowledge Europe 2021 | Brèves - Évènements

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09-10 November 2021, Brussels – Belgium
Water Knowledge Europe 2021

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Water Knowledge Europe 2021 Autumn Edition is finally coming back in its physical format on November 9-10. The event will allow you to enjoy a physical networking experience at the BluePoint Centre, in Brussels, while providing you all the information you need to know about the newest Horizon Europe (HEU) Work Programmes 2021-2022. Main focus over: The new calls for proposals 2022 of the Work Program 2021-2024 /Opportunities for the Water Sector with Panagiotis Balabanis, DG RTD at the European Commission; The new LIFE Program 2021-2027 /Funding opportunities for the water sector with Malgorzata Piecha from the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA); Water4All, the water partnership for 2021-2027 and beyond /Opportunities for collaborations for the water sector, from R&I calls for proposals to demonstration initiatives.

Programme and registration