Magazine H2o | Global Water Alliance 15th Annual Conference | Brèves - Évènements

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06 October 2022, Uni. of Pennsylvania – USA
Global Water Alliance 15th Annual Conference

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Are We There Yet? United Nations Goal of Universal Access to Sanitation Services by 2030 – Progress, Challenges, and Solutions

The lack of adequate sanitation and hygiene kills over 4,500 people per day, many of them children. It also results in many illnesses, and disruptions to education. This year marks the midpoint between when the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were set (2015) and the deadline for when they are to be accomplished (2030). SDG 6 includes universal access for sanitation services as one of its goals and there is still a great amount of work to be done to meet that goal. This one-day conference will explore the progress made to date, the remaining challenges, and examples of policy implementations in meeting the sanitation goal. Speakers and panelists will provide perspectives from a variety of international, national, and local organizations. Participants at the conference can expect to learn about the latest challenges and innovative approaches in meeting this critical sanitation goal (and related hygiene goal). They will meet students, experts, and like-minded people in break-out sessions. Conference participants will receive the latest information on global sanitation challenges and solutions from experts around the world, meet people with similar interests, and be able to develop friendships for future collaborations.

Program Agenda & Call For Student E-Posters