Magazine H2o | Seminar Resourceful Water in Brussels | Brèves - Europe

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Seminar Resourceful Water in Brussels

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On September 6, the Dutch water sector took the initiative for  the seminar "Resourceful Water" in the European Parliament in Brussels. The seminar was hosted by Judith Merkies, member of the European parliament. 120 participants discussed new ideas, insights and inspiring initiatives regarding water as a source of renewable energy and bio-products. A  paradigm shift  is needed to make use of the potential of the water sector.

Incentives in European legislation – Water is a potential source of kinetic, thermal and chemical energy.  Waste water is as well a valuable resource for the recovery of phosphates and nitrogen. Before we can fully benefit from these new technologies and developments adjustments in both national and European legislation are necessary.

Recommendations from the water sector – A resource recovery principle for the water sector was mentioned as a general principle for European policy. Incentives for fair prices and  accessible markets for sustainable products from the water sector were strongly recommended as well.  Integration of water & energy planning was another  important issue.

Request – Judith Merkies requested the water sector to formulate clear ambitions, present best practices and give suggestions for precise adjustments in legislation. Merkies will bring these recommendations for an innovative and sustainable European water sector into the debate of the European Parliament.

The seminar is an initiative of Waternet, VEWIN, Dutch Regional Water Authorities in cooperation with EUREAU and WssTP.



Resourceful Water – presentations of the seminar