Magazine H2o | Alberta government invests in critical water infrastructures | Brèves - Amériques

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Canada – Alberta
Alberta government invests in critical water infrastructures

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In Budget 2016, the Alberta government set aside $595 million over the next five years to help fund water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects in small towns and rural Alberta. This round of more than $117 million in funding will improve access to safe, reliable water supplies and enhance environmentally-sustainable wastewater treatment, while creating hundreds of jobs in communities across the province.

"Modern water infrastructure not only protects the families who live in our communities, it is the foundation upon which the community can grow, attract investment and create jobs for future generations," said Brian Mason, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Infrastructure. "A key outcome of the Water For Life strategy is to ensure that Albertans have a safe, secure drinking water supply. This investment will build on an impressive list of projects to improve access to safe, reliable water supplies and wastewater solutions, particularly in small towns and rural Alberta, where it is needed most," Said Gord Edwards, Executive Director, Alberta Water Council. To date, the Alberta government has committed more than $99 million in Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership (AMWWP) funding that will support 44 water and wastewater improvement projects around the province. In addition, more than $18.6 million will go to support 16 Water For Life (W4L) projects provincewide, including projects just getting underway and final payments to municipalities for projects recently completed. Through the Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership and the Water For Life program – initiatives that saw a major increase in funding in Budget 2016 – the Alberta Government cost-shares eligible projects with smaller urban and rural municipalities to support the development of improved water and wastewater infrastructure in smaller communities across the province.

That includes: $11 million in Devon water project; $750,000 in Rimbey water project; $6 million in Consort water project; $1.9 million in Vermilion water project; $3.7 million in Thorhild water project; $500,000 in Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission project; $200,000 in Henry Kroeger Regional Water Services Commission project; $650,000 in Hay Lakes water project.

Alberta Environment